Digital Marketing

6 maanden training

Opleiding digitale marketing

MolenGeek’s digitale marketing training is een 6 maanden durende immersieve ervaring die tot doel heeft een solide basis te leggen in digitale marketing alsook gespecialiseerde vaardigheden in growth hacking of content creatie.

Inhoud Schepper

Deze specialisatie van 3 maanden omvat alle kennis over content creatie.


Binnen 3 maanden verwerven de talenten alle kennis om met alle analysetools om te gaan.


Algemene vaardigheden

Intro Marketing Digital



Agile Scrum

Content Marketing

Time Management


Public Speaking

Customer Journey Value

Premiere Pro

Optimisation Testing



Web Community Building


Avatar Canva


Social Media Strategy

Paid Traffic

Analytics & Data


Search Marketing SEO

CapCut App logo


Live Events

Google tools

Wat wij onze klanten bieden

Waar ze klaar voor zijn

Manager sociale media

Beheert de online aanwezigheid van een bedrijf op sociale netwerken om inhoud te creëren en merkdoelstellingen te bereiken.

Digitale Communicatie Strateeg

Ontwerpt en implementeert communicatieplannen om uw bedrijf te helpen zijn doelen te bereiken met behulp van de marketingstrategie van het bedrijf.

Community Manager

Zorgt voor de aanwezigheid van sociale media, interacteert met de gemeenschap en beheert de online reputatie.

SEO Specialist & SEA Manager

Optimaliseert de online zichtbaarheid van een bedrijf via betaalde en organische zoektechnieken, door middel van technische, on-page en off-page content.

Schepper van digitale inhoud

Maakt visuele ontwerpen met grafische ontwerpsoftware van Adobe (Photoshop, Premiere Pro en meer).

Growth Hacking & Campagne Manager

Met growth hacking kunt u strategie en creativiteit combineren om een snelle groei van het bedrijf te bevorderen en de gestelde doelen te bereiken.

Our Completed Projects

Improve & Enhance Our Tech Projects

Company Benefits

Why you Should choose Our Services

Choose Infetech to have custom software solutions for your business with the most reasonable price.

Cloud Based Services

Services address a range of application and infrastructure needs.

Expert Team Members

We have a professional team who are extremely qualified & smart.

What We’re Offering to Our Clients

Real Time Dealing in all Professional IT Solutions & Services

Automated Software

It is used in business process management to increase productivity & efficiency.

Data Structuring

Analyze nature of the data and its importance in the larger scheme of things.

IT Consultancy

Improvement of staff productivity, cost savings, competitive edge, and more.

Managed IT Services

Our managed IT services include network monitoring, security & virtualization.

Market Strategy

We provide a variety of the best marketing strategies to grow your business.

Software Develop

An entire process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software.

Need IT solutions & services consultation?

Better IT Solutions & Services at your Fingertips

G Gaming and <br> Entertainment

Gaming and

We develop online games and entertainment programs based the newest advanced technologies.

B Business and <br> Finance

Business and

Use our best IT solutions for business and finance management to increase productivity & efficiency, reduce cost.

T Information <br> Technology


Building communications networks , safeguarding data and information, creating and administering databases .

Technology Path

Trusted IT Solution & Service Business Agency


20 years of experience


Support any time 24/7


Take our job seriously

What’s Happening

News & Articles

Backup and Recovery

This helps protect organizations against data loss.


Internet & cyber security

Offer security tactics to protect users from threats.


Cloud based services

Applications, servers, storage, and virtual desktops.